Utopia Realized

Utopia Realized

In Search of a Just Society

By Kurt Warner

Publisher: Continental Sales, Inc.

Imprint: Maida Vale

John Matthews is a janitor in Scranton, Pennsylvania.  He talks to his wife, Kristen, as he drives to work.  He is exhausted and weary from his difficult and long days and the two discuss their economic and other systemic troubles.  John never sees Tara, a security guard with her own struggles, when she loses control of her car and barrels into him on the Scranton highway. John wakes up into a foreign world where a guide named Sophia shows him a new and different society.  This world is called Amoena Vieta and Sophia shows him a vivid and exciting new societal structure there.As John hears, sees, and learns these things, his life continues to hang in the balance


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