Blazing Ahead

Blazing Ahead

Benton MacKaye, Myron Avery, and the Rivalry That Built the Appalachian Trail

By Jeffrey H. Ryan

Publisher: Appalachian Mountain Club Books

Imprint: Appalachian Mountain Club Books

The Appalachian Trail is one of America's most beloved resources. But few know the story behind the creation of the world's longest hiking-only trail. The project could have died in the pages of a journal had it not been for the efforts of many people—including two, in particular: Benton MacKaye and Myron Avery. While the men shared a common vision, their vastly different personalities meant it was only a matter of time before they had a falling out over plans for the trail. Blazing Ahead: Benton MacKaye, Myron Avery, and the Rivalry That Built the Appalachian Trail relays the true but little-known rivalry behind the creation of one of the nation's greatest treasures.


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