Building A Community of Citizens

Building A Community of Citizens

Civil Society in the 21st Century

By Don EberlyDon E. Eberly, Michael Joyce, Heather Richardson Higgins, Jeffrey A. Eisenach, William A. Strauss, Neil Howe, William Van Dusen Wishard, Edward A. Schwartz, Denis P. Doyle, Dennis Denenberg, Eric R. Ebeling, John W. Cooper, Collen Sheehan, A Lawrence Chickenning, Eugene W. Hickok, Barbara Dafoe Whitehead, David G. Blankenhorn, Glenn C. Loury, T William Boxx, Os Guinness, Allan C. Carison, Roger L. Conner, Doug Bandow, Harry C, None Boyte, Elizabeth B. Lurie,

Publisher: University Press of America

Imprint: University Press of America

Sets forth and examines the challenge of restoring health to society and its democratic institutions.


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