15200 NBN Way
Blue Ridge Summit PA 17214
TEL 717-794-3800
“Every page of Wernher von Braun’s life is a monument to the drama of adventure. Few people have been fighting so hard and, indeed, very few have been subject to so much criticism, so much jealousy, so much defeat—yet, very few have lived to be honored and to harvest the fruits of so many wonderful victories as has this man.”Author Erik Bergaust has had the advantage of knowing von Braun as a friend, hunting and fishing companion, space business associate—and biographer—for more than twenty-five years. Thus, he has been able to present a dramatic portrait of an important personality and a 20th century hero.
Toll-free: (800) 462-6420
Direct: (717) 794-3800
FAX: (800) 338-4550