Fritz Leonhardt 1909-1999

Fritz Leonhardt 1909-1999

The Art of Engineering Design

By Joachim JkeubnabbsChristiane Weber,

Publisher: Edition Axel Menges

Imprint: Edition Axel Menges

Leonhardt was involved as a structural engineer on the first post-war high-rise buildings in Germany. He worked with the architects concerned on the cable-net structures for the German Pavilion at the 1967 Montreal World's Fair, and for the roofs of the 1972 Munich Olympics buildings. The interplay between science and practice was crucial to Leonhardt. His publication Spannbeton fur die Praxis (1955) was translated into many languages, and his Vorlesungen uber Massivbau (6 vols., 1973-79) are still seen as standard works.


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