Every Little Thing Matters

Every Little Thing Matters

By Stephen Oakes

Publisher: Ayni Books

Imprint: Ayni Books

Stephen Oakes has been studying and helping others with Energy Work for many years. He came to realise that despite the sophistication of our modern world there is little practical knowledge about the workings of our Human Energy Fields. Stephen has helped many people who have read, studied, done the course, got the t-shirt, and yet their lives are still lacking an authentic spirituality. Is it Karma? Are they being punished? No, they simply do not know enough, yet! Stephen says that there is no bar on making life work your way, all you need is a fully functioning and connected to source Human Energy Field (H.E.F). Every Little Thing Matters is a practical, friendly and easy to understand energy work 101 to this vital interface between your physical body and immortal soul.


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