A Dangerous Master

A Dangerous Master

How to Keep Technology from Slipping Beyond Our Control

By Wendell Wallach

Publisher: Sentient Publications

Imprint: Sentient Publications

There is no doubt that we're in an era of remarkable scientific advancement. From nanotechnology to synthetic organisms, new technologies are poised to radically transform life as we know it. However, with profound growth comes profound risk. In A Dangerous Master, renowned ethicist Wendell Wallach explores the challenges of these advancements. Despite the great promise of scientific discovery, Wallach argues that we could unleash a wide array of forces beyond human control. This captivating and informative analysis examines both the fear and the hype around our incredible progress while proposing solutions to regain control of our technological future. Wallach's narrative offers stark warnings alongside hope, compelling us to confront the practical--and moral--dimensions of our creations.


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